Tourney Info

RRkit#24 Announced!

Date: 27th of august 2005 7pm GMT
Place: #RopersHeaven
Mod: D1
Scheme: RRkit #24 will be held at the 27th of August at 9pm CET/7pm GMT in RH! This edition will have a new twist of the timetrial scheme!
Every player gets 3 worms and 1 turn for each worm (as in previous editions)
However, the *total* time of all 3 worms will decide the winner
A worm that doesn't finish will have the longest time (of all worms that raced; this means the worst time of you and your opponent) + 10 seconds!

  • A vs B
  • A has 38, 43, 42
  • B has 37, 41, DNF (did not finish)

    this means that B's DNF has a time of 43 + 10 = 53

  • A total = 123
  • B total = 131

    --> A wins

    Cya all there =)


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  • The tourney is over; click here for results.

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